When using docker-compose, I really like how the output printed by the running containers gets interleaved in different colors. I wanted something like that, but for arbitrary commands.
A recent post on Reddit actually reminded me of that.
I will call the program race
, although there are not going to be any winners.
The idea of the program is simple: it will run each process in a separate
thread. This runner thread will read the output of the program (both stdout
and stderr
, I just don’t care) and send this to the main thread. This way,
there will always single thread writing the actual output.
The communication between threads will happen through
, and we will be sending simple messages:
data Msg = Quit -- ^The process finished
| Msg Int ByteString -- ^A single line of output
The number in the message will indicate which child process is sending the line and will be used to pick a color.
The thread for consuming these messages and printing the data is not too complex. It’s a loop that keeps track of the number of running processes. In each iteration, we read a single message from the channel and depending on what it is, we either decrement the process counter or print the message wrapped in ANSI color sequences.
printer :: Chan Msg -> Int -> IO ()
0 = return ()
printer _ = do
printer chan num <- readChan chan
msg case msg of
Quit -> printer chan (num - 1)
Msg i d -> do
$ colored i d
reader chan num
colored :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
= let col = colors !! i
colored i d in "\ESC[" <> col <> ";1m" <> d <> "\ESC[0m\n"
= cycle ["36", "35", "32", "33", "34", "31"] colors
Reading the output of a random program is a bit more involved. As input, we will submit the channel, process number and a string with the command.
There is a very helpful tutorial for Data.Conduit.Process
which contains an
example. We can adapt this to our needs.
The biggest hurdle here is that glibc will by default line-buffer standard output if it goes to interactive terminal, but as soon as we redirect it to a pipe, it gets fully buffered in 4 KiB blocks.
This is definitely not what we want. There are a few ways to mitigate this:
the easiest is to use stdbuf
executable, which modifies the buffering mode.
The problem with it is that it does not work for all cases, especially for
commands involving piping data between multiple processes.
Another attempt that I made was to use a pseudoterminal. This approach is however quite complex, and I failed to get it running reliably.
In the end I settled for script
command. By using the -c
argument it can
run a complex command and it handles buffering just the way I wanted.
runProcess :: Chan Msg -> Int -> String -> IO ()
= do
runProcess chan' i cmd let cmd' = "script -qfc \"" <> cmd <> "\" /dev/null"
ClosedStream, fromProcess, fromProcessErr, cph) <-
streamingProcess (shell cmd')
let output h = CB.sourceHandle h $$ CB.lines =$ CL.mapM_
. Msg i)
(writeChan chan
<- runConcurrently $
_ Concurrently (output fromProcess) *>
Concurrently (output fromProcessErr) *>
Concurrently (waitForStreamingProcess cph)
Quit writeChan chan
All that is left to do is to tie it all together: get command line arguments, spawn a thread for each one and run the printer function in the main thread. We will create the channel with one duplicate: the copy will be shared by all worker threads.
main :: IO ()
= do
main <- getArgs
args <- newChan
readEnd <- dupChan readEnd
mapM_ (forkIO . uncurry (runProcess writeEnd)) (zip [0..] args)
length args) reader readEnd (
The program can now be used like this:
$ race "python -m SimpleHTTPServer" "make rebuild-on-change"
Arguably, it is just a glorified wrapper for the &
Bash functionality and
command. Nonetheless, I still consider it useful.
You can get the whole project including cabal file with list of dependencies on GitHub.